Image via Sony San Diego

Getting loftier-rated players in Diamond Dynasty is the end-all, be-all in MLB The Testify 21. All the same, once you have them in your clubhouse, the work isn't completely finished. And, nosotros're not just talking nigh getting the next high-rated player. You tin can really upgrade the players yous have past taking advantage of a characteristic San Diego Studios calls parallels.

How do parallel cards piece of work?

Screenshot by Gamepur

Parallel cards are essentially how you level up your Diamond Dynasty players as you play the game. As you tin can meet in the image in a higher place, each actor has six dissimilar levels of their parallel meter which ends with the Superfactor parallel. Fortunately, leveling upwards your cards is as elementary equally playing the game.

For example, with the Manny Machado card above, y'all'll gain parallel XP every bit you accrue different hit stats. In fact, yous don't even need a hit, equally you go 10 parallel points just making a plate appearance in a game. If you play offline on the lowest difficulty, you have a lower modifier than if y'all play online or in higher difficulties offline.

In brusque, this is an easy style for players to slowly build their teams without needing to spend coin opening packs. Plain, information technology takes quite a bit of time to make it all the way to end of a actor'southward parallel ranking. All the same, for players not looking to spend money, it'due south a slap-up alternative.

On summit of all that, information technology likewise provides a way for yous to use higher-rated cards in different events and other modes. For example, if an effect calls for only silvery cards, you tin employ silvers that you've paralleled every bit silvers with their additional stats. That lets yous get another leg up on the competition if you need information technology.

All in all, parallel cards are a fun grind for players that makes you care more than about the players you're building upward.